OperationLayoutsDeliveryPerformance ReportOther FAQs

For more details please refer to the document

For more details please refer to the document::GAM Tutorial – Using GAM to Deliver (AdNeon) PPStudio Creatives

How to add TenMax ad technology vendor in Google Ad Manager

If your Google Ad Manager account has not set TenMax as an associated ad technology provider, it will cause a pop up notification when you place the AdNeon ad code in the GAM background, such as “We found ad technology providers that you haven’t declared”, or “We found unknown URLs that may affect serving eligibility ” or other alert messages. (as shown in Figure 1 below)

Although this problem will not affect the delivery of advertisements, in order to clear this warning, it is recommended that you refer to the following instructions and complete the relevant settings.

*When TenMax is not set as a “declared advertising technology provider”, if AdNeon ad code is placed in the GAM background, the system will pop up the following reminder message:

Instructions on how to solve the warning issue :
  1. Login to your Google Ad Manager account. On the left column, select [Privacy& Messaging]. If your GAM has yet updated, it might written as [EU User Consent Statement]
    332026701 1258081705111776 8126797697004340170 n
  2. In the Review your ad partners select “Commonly used ad partners” and click “Edit”
    328756075 541758014720911 636182496470748259 n
  3. Select Custom Ad partners, select TenMax as partner and confirm

Data Discrepancy between GAM and AdNeon report explanation

GAM sometimes excludes data that they deem as “non-human traffic” (Note 1 & Note 2), resulting in AdNeon data being higher than GAM data. To confirm that AdNeon is working properly, you can refer to “Ad Server Unfiltered Download Impressions” which contains more complete GAM exposure data. If you find that GAM exposure data is still greater than AdNeon exposure data, it indicates that AdNeon is operating normally (Note 3).

Untitled 1 1

Note 1: Ad Manager Report Metrics Note 2: Method for detecting and filtering out invalid traffic Note 3: AdNeon’s ads only appear and are calculated when called by GAM, so when the “Ad Server Unfiltered Download Impressions” in GAM is higher than AdNeon’s exposure data, it is considered a normal phenomenon.

How to upload and preview AdNeon creative on GAM

This document will explain how to add and preview AdNeon creatives within GAM when delivering AdNeon creatives.

Explanation of AdNeon Ad Tag types corresponding to GAM

Not all layouts are supported in all GAM delivery environments. Please filter the layout by the “Support Delivery Systems” when choosing the layouts suitable for different delivery environments.

AdNeon provides a feature in creating creatives to filter the applicable layouts for different delivery environments under the “Support Delivery Systems” section.

Untitled (1)
GAM “Ad Tag" allows you to choose the type of ad code.
Untitled 2
GAM “Ad Tag" allows you to choose the type of ad code.
AdNeon Ad Tag Delivery Environment Corresponding GAM Ad Tag Type Description
GAM:Google Publisher Tag
Google Publisher Tag (GPT)

Applicable tags for the Web environment. Support OOP (out-of-page) ads. 

GAM : Mobile Application tag(iFrame)
Mobile Application Tag
Applicable tags for the App environment.
GAM : AMP tag(iFrame)
​AMP Tag
Applicable tags for the AMP environment.
Out Of Page Description

When choosing GAM: Google Publisher Tag, AdNeon interface will display a checkbox for “Active Out-Of-Page mode” (Figure 1). This setting should only be checked when the creative is about to be delivered to a GAM ad unit with the Out Of Page (OOP) mechanism enabled (Figure 2).

We recommend deciding whether to enable Out Of Page only when the creative is a mere interstitial or mobile footer layout, and after enabling it, please use the preview feature in GAM as much as possible to verify the display.

The “Active Out-Of-Page mode” checkbox in AdNeon.

Option to enable Out Of Page in GAM.
oop GAM 5

How to upload and preview AdNeon creative on GAM

☝🏻 Click the link below for quick glance!
Upload creative
  1. Click on 【New creative】 in the 【Creatives】section.
    creatives 6
  2. Choose 【Third Party】 or【Custom】 * Note: If you enable “Out Of Page】, please make sure to select the 【Custom】, obtain the OOP Ad Tag from AdNeon and upload it. If you do not enable Out Of Page ad format, you can select either 【Third Party】 or 【Custom】.
    3rd party 7
  3. Fill in related information
    Untitled 8
    • Fill in the relevant information for the creative, including the 【Name】 and selecting the corresponding 【Target ad unit size】. When you uncheck 【Serve into SafeFrame】, AdNeon creatives will not be affected by the GAM ad space settings. Please set the size directly according to the required size for the delivery environment.
    • Choose【Standard】for Code type. If using GAM : AMP tag(iFrame), please select 【AMP】, and paste the AdNeon Ad Tag in the corresponding field below.
  4. Uncheck【Serve into SafeFrame】
    Untitled 9
  5. Click【Safe and preview】
Preview Creative

(* Additional explanation: If you want to use this preview method, you must insert the material from 【Line Items】; if you enter it directly from 【Creatives】, you can only preview the material itself that you created.)

You can click the 【Preview】tab in the line item you would like to preview. There are two options,

New window and On site, for you to choose.

Untitled 10

Select the【New Window】 option to preview the creative
  1. Choose【New Window】
    wdw 11
  2. Click Mobile and Scan QR Code
    Untitled 12
How to upload and preview AdNeon creative on DV360

This document will explain how to add and preview creatives within DV360 when delivering AdNeon creatives via DV360.

AdNeon Ad Tag for DV360 delivery environment is divided into two types: DV360: with no tags (IFrame) and DV360: with tags. Not all templates support all DV360 delivery environments. Please filter the layout that are applicable to different delivery environments in the “Support Delivery Systems” when creating creatives.

Applicable layout in different delivery environment can be selected on “Support Delivery Systems" in AdNeon New Creative tab
DV360 Inventory Source DV360 Related Documents Corresponding AdNeon Ad Tag Delivery Environment Other Precautions
Tag Guaranteed (TG)
DV360:with tags
Not limited by DV360 inventory size restrictions.
Programmatic Guaranteed (PG)
DV360:with no tags(IFrame)

Subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions, please check the ad size in the layout card > material specifications > ad size confirmation before delivery to avoid the DV360 inventory size being smaller than the AdNeon ad size.

Non-Guaranteed fixed deals
DV360:with no tags(IFrame)

1. There may be a larger discrepancy in traffic for non-guaranteed deals and open auctions than expected.

2. Subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions, please check the ad size in the layout card > material specifications > ad size confirmation before delivery to avoid the DV360 inventory size being smaller than the AdNeon ad size.

Non-Guaranteed auctions
DV360:with no tags(IFrame)

1. There may be a larger discrepancy in traffic for non-guaranteed deals and open auctions than expected.

2. Subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions, please check the ad size in the layout card > material specifications > ad size confirmation before delivery to avoid the DV360 inventory size being smaller than the AdNeon ad size.

Public Inventory (Open Auction)
DV360:with no tags(IFrame)

1. There may be a larger discrepancy in traffic for non-guaranteed deals and open auctions than expected.

2. Subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions, please check the ad size in the layout card > material specifications > ad size confirmation before delivery to avoid the DV360 inventory size being smaller than the AdNeon ad size.

☝🏻 Click the link below for quick glance!
Creative setup process
  1. After creating a creative in AdNeon, select the creative and generate a DV360 adtag
  2. Go to DV360 > Advertiser > Creative > Creatives and add a Third-Party display creative for DV360.3 4
  3. Fill in the corresponding material size, Landing page URL, check Require HTML5, and fill in the AdNeon tag. The Landing page URL filled in here will not affect the Landing page URL setting in AdNeon.
    4 3
    • The creative size filled in here must be EXACT with the creative requirement size set for the line item created later. Please set the same as the AdNeon creative advertising size, which can be referred to in the creative specifications in the layout card.
      ad size 1
  4. Click TEST TAG to test whether is the Click event normal.
    • After confirm, click save. The creative can only be delivered once it has been reviewed and becomes Servable.
      1. If it is Rejected, please check the problem. Note that the creative size cannot exceed the 5MB limit, and you can confirm the ad size from the creative card in the AdNeon creative list.
    • Collapse the blank div: When delivering special formats (non-in-content, non-in-page ads) in DV360, ads will pop out of the location where the DV360 Tag is embedded, resulting in a blank space (the size of the DV360 creative). When creating creatives in DV360, please choose 1×1 for the size (Dimensions) to avoid this issue.
Creative Preview

Please note that:

  • DV360 preview is a mock-up only and does not reflect actual ad imps number .
  • Currently, Display only supports Standard format.
  • It is recommended to run a placement report to confirm that the ad has impressions number on the website before providing it to the client.
  • Please make sure that the page you want to preview has the appropriate size creative, otherwise, the following warning may appear: “ad slots for your creatives could not be found on this page.”
  • Programmatic Guaranteed cannot preview creatives from the publisher’s DFP.
Preview Steps
  1. Click PREVIEW.
    10 1
  2. After clicking PREVIEW, you can see the preview result directly.
    11 1
  3. Select Custom URL for the website to view ad creative on any website. This URL can point to any website, but Display & Video 360 must be able to detect an ad placement with the same size as the ad creative you want to preview in order to display the ad creative preview.
    12 1
  4. After entering the URL that matches the size of the ad space, you can view the preview page.
    13 1
    • If you want to share it with others (desktop only), simply copy the URL of the preview and ask them to follow the corresponding steps.
  5. If you want to preview on a mobile device, select Scan QR code in Preview location, and you can preview on your mobile device by scanning the QR code.
Understanding the SafeFrame settings for each Ad Tag upload system.

This document will briefly explain the impact of SafeFrame on AdNeon templates, and whether the upload system of each Ad Tag can enable/disable SafeFrame.

What is SafeFrame?

SafeFrame is an iframe technology that can be used as a unified communication mechanism between advertising clients and publishers’ content, and protect publishers’ websites from malicious advertising.

For ad materials broadcasted outside of SafeFrame, enabling SafeFrame may cause display issues, whereas disabling SafeFrame for ad materials broadcasted within SafeFrame may also cause the same problems. Please confirm the location of the ad materials to be broadcasted and set SafeFrame accordingly.

Source: Google Ad Manager documentation

How SafeFrame affects AdNeon layout

AdNeon layouts can be delivered with SafeFrame disabled, but not all templates can be broadcasted within SafeFrame web pages. As mentioned above, if SafeFrame is enabled and AdNeon layouts that require SafeFrame to be disabled for delivery are selected, it may cause display and interaction issues.

How do you know if AdNeon layouts support SafeFrame delivery environments? On Create New Creative tab, filter by “Support delivery systems,” and select the system with the (iFrame) label to find layouts that support SafeFrame delivery environments.

2023 02 15 下午5.40.26

Whether SafeFrame can be enabled/disabled on each Ad Tag upload system

Currently, the Ad Tag upload systems supported by AdNeon are:

  • Google Ads Manager
  • Display & Video 360 (DV360)
  • The Trade Desk (TTD)

Different delivery methods or ad code types may be used on different systems, which will affect whether SafeFrame can be enabled/disabled.

  • Ad Tag upload system is Google Ads Manager.
  • Ad Tag upload system is Display & Video 360(DV360)
  • Ad Tag upload system is The Trade Desk (TTD).
    If you upload Ad Tags on TTD, they can only be broadcasted in environments where SafeFrame is enabled, and it is not possible to disable SafeFrame.


  • The Ad Tag upload system is GAM.
Corresponding GAM Ad Code Type AdNeon Ad Tag Delivery Environment Description
Google Publisher Ads Code
GAM:Google Publisher Tag
  1. Applicable to Web tags, supporting OOP (out-of-page ads) Click to view the explanation about OOP
  2. SafeFrame can be closed
Mobile Application Ads Code
GAM : Mobile Application tag(iFrame)
  1. Applicable to APP tags
  2. SafeFrame cannot be closed
AMP Code
GAM : AMP tag(iFrame)
  1. Applicable to AMP tags
  2. SafeFrame cannot be closed
  • The Ad Tag upload system is Display & Video 360(DV360).
DV360 Inventory Source DV360 Related Documents Corresponding AdNeon Ad Tag Delivery Environment Other Notes
Tag Guaranteed (TG)
DV360:with tags
  1. Not subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions
  2. SafeFrame can be closed
Programmatic Guaranteed (PG)
DV360:with no tags(IFrame)
  1. Subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions, please go to the Template Card > Material Specifications > Ad Size Confirmation before delivery to avoid DV360 inventory size being smaller than AdNeon ad size.
  2. SafeFrame cannot be closed
Non-Guaranteed fixed deals
DV360:with no tags(IFrame)
  1. Non-guaranteed deals and open auction traffic discrepancies may be higher than expected.
  2. Subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions, please go to the Template Card > Material Specifications > Ad Size Confirmation before delivery to avoid DV360 inventory size being smaller than AdNeon ad size.
  3. SafeFrame cannot be closed.
Non-Guaranteed auctions
DV360:with no tags(IFrame)
  1. Non-guaranteed deals and open auction traffic discrepancies may be higher than expected.
  2. Subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions, please go to the Template Card > Material Specifications > Ad Size Confirmation before delivery to avoid DV360 inventory size being smaller than AdNeon ad size.
  3. SafeFrame cannot be closed.
Public Inventory (Open Auction)
DV360:with no tags(IFrame)
  1. Non-guaranteed deals and open auction traffic discrepancies may be higher than expected.
  2. Subject to DV360 inventory size restrictions, please go to the Template Card > Material Specifications > Ad Size Confirmation before delivery to avoid DV360 inventory size being smaller than AdNeon ad size.
  3. SafeFrame cannot be closed.
  • The Ad Tag upload system is The Trade Desk (TTD).
    When uploading Ad Tags on TTD, they can only be served in environments with SafeFrame enabled, and SafeFrame cannot be disabled.
How to deliver AdNeon layouts that need to close SafeFrame through DV360/TTD

How to deliver AdNeon layouts that need to close SafeFrame through DV360/TTD If you want to deliver AdNeon layouts that need to close SafeFrame through DV360/TTD, you must use Programmatic Guarantee to set up a Campaign on DV360/TTD and upload and manage ad materials on Google Ads Manager.

By doing so, the Ad Tag upload system will be Google Ads Manager (instead of DV360 and TTD), and SafeFrame can be closed through GAM. (This does not apply to ads delivered to App and AMP-formatted pages).

How to deliver AdNeon creatives which can’t fully render in SafeFrame environment via DV360 PG

This document will explain the process of creating a campaign using DV360 PG and delivering AdNeon creative via GAM. This delivery process can increase flexibility using AdNeon, allowing layouts that could not be used for DV360 PG to be successfully delivered through this process. Without sacrificing the diversity of available templates, advertisers can achieve their goals of observing the effectiveness of campaigns on DV360.

How to create a campaign and create a proposal in DV360
Add new campaign
  1. Access the DV360 page, select the corresponding advertiser, and go to the【Campaign】 page. Click 【New Campaign】.
    01 DV360 新增Campaign
  2. Fill in the basic information, including Campaign name, objective, KPI, Creative Type, budget, duration, and then click 【Create】.
    02 DV360 Campaign 設定
  3. Campaign creation is completed, please do not create Insertion Orders and Line Items yet.
    2023 02 01 上午10.54.01
Send Proposal Request to Publisher’s GAM Account.
  1. Expand the left sidebar and click on 【Inventory】. Then, click on 【Marketplace】 and search for the desired publisher. Once you find the publisher, click on it to initiate the deal.
    04 DV360 搜尋 Publisher
  2. Click on 【Request Proposal】
    04 2 DV360 向 Publisher Request Proposal
  3. Fill in and confirm the proposal details, including:
    • Name & Sellers Information
      05 DV360 %E7%99%BC Proposal
    • Campaign Information *Notice:Please be sure to select 【Guaranteed】 for the Inventory Type.
      06 DV360 Proposal %E9%81%B8 Programmatic Guarantee
    • After confirming the advertiser information, click on 【Send】
      07 DV360 Proposal %E6%8C%87%E5%AE%9A%E5%BB%A3%E5%91%8A%E4%B8%BB
How to confirm an order and create a line item in GAM
  1. Please go to the 【Sales】 tab on GAM and click on 【Proposals】 Then, click on the proposal request sent by the advertiser.
    08 GAM 上找到提案
  2. Edit the insertion order and click on 【Add Line Item】.
    09 GAM 上新增委刊項
  3. Please select 【Display】 as the ad type.
    10 GAM 上選多媒體廣告類型
  4. Please fill in the information of the line item, and note that in the field for creative, be sure to select 【Managed by publisher】
    11 GAM 上選由發布商管理廣告素材
  5. Once you have finished setting the targeting according to your needs, you can click on the 【Save】 button to save the changes.
     12 GAM 上依需求設定指定項目
  6. After creating the new line item, please fill out the proposal settings and click 【Save】 once finished.
    13 GAM 上填寫提案設定
  7. Click on【Accept Request】
    14 GAM 上要求廣告主接受 1
  8. Completed GAM line item settings, wait for the advertiser to confirm the line item on DV360.
    15 GAM 上等待廣告主確認png
How to confirm a proposal in DV360
  1. Please go to the 【Negotiations】 page, find the corresponding proposal name, and click to enter.
    16 DV360 上找到提案
  2. Confirm the information below and click on 【Accept】
    17 DV360 上接受提案
  3. Confirm the information below and click on 【Configure】
    18 DV360 上 Configure
  4. Confirm and fill in the Configure information, and then click on 【Save & Next】 if there is no problem.

    19 1 DV360 上確認填寫 Configure 資訊
    19 2 DV360 上確認填寫 Configure 資訊
     *Notice: Please pay attention to the Campaign at the bottom (Figure 2) and check if it has automatically filled in the Campaign created earlier on DV360. You can cross-check it with the code inside the parentheses.
  5. Choose creatives-This part is uploaded by the publisher from the GAM platform, so you can directly click 【Next】
    20 DV360 上 Configure Creative 資訊
  6. After completing the setup, you can go back to the Campaign page and check if the original Campaign has automatically imported the Insertion Order sent from GAM.
    21 DV360 上確認是否有帶入 Insertion Order
How to upload creative in GAM
  1. Expand the ad serving and click on 【Line item】, then select the placement that was set up earlier.
    22 GAM 上找到委刊項
  2. Click【Add creative】
    23 GAM 上新增廣告素材
  3. Choose【Third Party】
    24 GAM 上選第三方
  4. Please paste the GAM Ad Tag obtained from AdNeon into the blank field, and confirm the following items:
    • “Macro inserted” message appears
    • Uncheck the “Deliver to SafeFrame” option
      25 GAM 上傳 AdNeon Ad Tag
  5. Please inform the advertiser to complete the material binding on DV360 after the setup is completed.
    26 GAM 完成素材設定
How to bind creative in DV360
  1. Go to the Campaign page and click on the corresponding campaign, then enter the corresponding Insertion Order.
    27 DV360 上進入到 Insertion Order
  2. After entering the Insertion Order, please click on the corresponding Line Item.
    28 DV360 上進到 Line Item
  3. Scroll down to the Creative section and you will see the Creatives set by the Publisher on GAM. Check the box and click on 【Save】 to complete the setup. 🎉
    29 DV360 上綁定 Creative
How to deliver AdNeon creatives which can’t fully render in SafeFrame environment via TTD PG

This document explains the process of creating a Programmatic Guaranteed campaign on TTD and serving AdNeon creative through GAM.

This delivery process can increase the flexibility of using AdNeon creative formats. Formats that were previously not able to deliver through TTD can be successfully delivered through this process. It allows advertisers to manage their campaigns on TTD without sacrificing the diversity of available ad formats.

*Note: There will be no click tracked on TTD through this process. Please ask publishers to provide the click performance on GAM.

☝🏻 The overall delivery process will be divided into the following three steps. You can click on the links below for quick glance!
Create a proposal and set up an insertion order on GAM
  1. Please add a proposal in GAM’s 【Sales】-> 【Proposals】 page. In the 【Buyer】 field, search for the name of the advertiser on TTD and click 【Add proposal line item】.
    01 GAM 填寫提案
  2. Add proposal line item
    • Please select 【Display】 as the ad type.
      02 GAM 新增提案委刊項
    • Please choose 【Publisher managed】in the “Expected creatives” section.
      03 GAM 委刊項設定 素材由發布商管理
    • Click 【Request Acceptance】 and ask the advertiser to accept the proposal.
      04 GAM 要求廣告主接受提案
    • After completing the previous steps, please wait for 5-10 minutes until the Deal ID appears in the proposal line item. Please provide the Deal ID to the advertiser for checking and confirmation.
      05 GAM 提供 Deal ID 給廣告主方便確認 e1676528591993
Confirm proposal and set up PG Campaign on TTD.
  1. Confirm the proposal from the publisher on TTD
    • Go to the 【Inventory】 page and click on 【PROPOSALS】. You will see the proposals sent by the publisher, please click on it.
      06 TTD 接受 Proposal 1
    • Please confirm the details and settings of the proposal.
    • Please confirm the items and settings in the proposal and assign the advertiser who will set up this campaign on TTD, and then click【ACCEPT】.
  2. Wait for about 5 minutes, the status of the Proposal page will be updated. Once updated, please click on 【SET UP】.
  3. Set up PG campaign
    • The Campaign / Ad Group name will be automatically filled in and can be adjusted if needed.
      09 TTD Set up PG Campaign 頁面
    • Please scroll down to the 【AD GROUP】 section and choose a Creative as the container for tracking performance on TTD. *This step is only to complete the campaign settings on TTD. The actual creative delivered will be based on the materials set up on GAM. For more details, please refer to Google’s official documentation.10 TTD assign creative e1676528981279
    • Complete!
      11 TTD 建立完成
Upload AdNeon creatives on GAM
  1. After the advertiser accepts the proposal on TTD, publisher can upload the creative on GAM. Please go to the 【Line item】 page under 【Delivery】 section and find the line item you just set up.
    12 GAM 廣告放送找到委刊項
  2. Set up creatives
    • Click【Creative】Page
      13 GAM 點選廣告素材
    • Click【Add creative】
      14 GAM 新增廣告素材
    • Choose【Third party】
      15 GAM 廣告素材選 Third Party
    • 請在空白欄位中貼上 AdNeon 上取得的 GAM Ad Tag,並確認以下事項
      • 是否有出現「已插入巨集」的提示
      • 取消勾選「放送到 SafeFrame」
        16 GAM 貼上 AdNeon Ad Tag
  3. Once the creative settings are completed, the status of the line item will change to “Ready” indicating that the setup is completed.
    17 GAM 狀態變為就緒
Can AdNeon creatives be delivered to a 1x1 ad unit?

Delivering AdNeon creative to 1×1 ad space

There are two methods to set up advertising space in general:

  1. Size-specific ad spaces: This method assigns a specific ad size to the ad space (for example: 300×250, 300×300) and enables the SafeFrame function. These ad spaces will display ads of the specified sizes, giving users more control over the appearance and formatting of ads.
  2. 1×1 ad spaces: 1×1 ad spaces are defined as ad spaces with a size ratio of 1×1 and have the SafeFrame function turned off. These ad spaces can accommodate ads of different sizes and automatically adjust the ads to fit the available space.

When an ad is delivered to an ad space with SafeFrame turned off, the AdNeon creative will not be affected by the ad space regardless of the ad space size and can therefore be rendered normally.

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