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Layout Concept

Creatives are ads that are presented in various formats such as image, video, and so on, for users to view on web pages or other digital contexts.
The creatives on ADN can generate different types of Ad Tags according to the ad experience you (the advertiser) want to create, allowing you to add ADN creatives to different delivery platforms to be used as third-party materials.

All Layouts Introduction

Layout Menu includes all PPStudio formats specs (material needed) which can be provided to sales team and clients.

Download:PPStudio Layout Menu 2022-Mar

Layout List

Layout List includes

  • all PPStudio layouts names
  • Type (video or non-video)
  • Device
  • Better Ad friendly or not
  • Whether or not works on DV360 TG & DV360 PG
  • Demo Link
  • Creative sample: can be downloaded as the test material to test the layout)
  • Safe Area: To see the design guideline which can avoid material cropped due to different devices and the overlap between interaction reminder icon & creative itself)

Download and View 👇

PPStudio Layout (format) List_2021Oct

Definition of Engagement Event

Please refer to this document: Link

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[新版型上線] 桌機沈浸式廣告


大家可以透過以下的 Demo link 玩玩看新版型,也可以直接到後台建立素材試試看唷!

Demo link